Goose Dokken's DeadFowl Trainers
The Goose Dokken's DeadFowl Trainers are a massive Dokken's designed to help your dog prepare for big geese. Once your dog is skilled and confident with the regular Dokken's, it's time to bring out the big ones.
The Dead Fowl Goose is ideal for preparing your dog for retrieving big geese. It won't be easy, but the more you use Dokken's DeadFowl Geese Trainers, the better. Whether you are chasing big Canada Geese or anything in between we have you covered with Dokken's DeadFowl Trainers.
The Goose Dokken's DeadFowl Trainers are a massive Dokken's designed to help your dog prepare for big geese. Once your dog is skilled and confident with the regular Dokken's, it's time to bring out the big ones.
The Dead Fowl Goose is ideal for preparing your dog for retrieving big geese. It won't be easy, but the more you use Dokken's DeadFowl Geese Trainers, the better. Whether you are chasing big Canada Geese or anything in between we have you covered with Dokken's DeadFowl Trainers.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Great training dummies at a great price! Enjoy!